How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint. For
more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
Holiday Eating & Food Safety Fresh or Frozen? There is no quality difference between the two though fresh have shorter shelf lives. A frozen turkey allows you to purchase it in advance and take advantage of special sales. Fresh turkeys provide convenience because they do not require thawing.
27 slides
Winter Fire Safety More than half of December home-decoration fires nationwide are started by candles.
16 slides
Holiday Safety There were an estimated 15,000 injuries involving holiday decorating seen in emergency departments nationwide during November and December 2012.
30 slides
Safety During the Holidays The holiday season is always a special time of year. It is also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other crimes. We can never be too careful, too prepared or too aware.
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