How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint. For
more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
Acetylene Incident Why we don’t store acetylene in a closed vehicle! A fitter left an E size Oxygen and Acetylene cylinder on the back seat of a Toyota dual cab over the weekend.
13 slides
Acetylene Van Explosion Photos of a violent explosion in a residential area originated by an acetylene gas cylinder in a plumber's van.
31 slides
Compressed Cylinder Safety This presentation contains photos of poor practices in the storage and handling of compressed gas cylinders.
65 slides
Compressed Gas Safety Discusses precautions for the safe handling of compressed gases.
33 slides
Compressed Gas Safety This presentation contains photos depicting hazardous situations in the safe handling of compressed gases.
49 slides
Compressed Gas Safety Explores the requirements contained in 29 CFR pertaining to the general requirements for compressed gases.
29 slides
Compressed Gases Discusses precautions for the safe handling of compressed gases.
Liquid Oxygen Cylinder Explosion Two individuals (ages 42 and 60) found a liquid oxygen cylinder that had been removed from service and left at a scrap metal dealer. The individuals were self-employed in scrap metal cutting operations and intended to use the cylinder in their work.
Compressed Gas Safety An EHS Dashboard, part of the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program. Even "harmless" substances like oxygen and air can be hazardous when kept in a pressurized container, which can explode or become a deadly missile if handled carelessly.
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