Ballad of the Shadow Miner
In remembrance of the Scotia Mine Disaster and the 26 spirits lost. Special thanks to Beth Davidson and Sheila Winterberg, daughters of the author. In memory of the men who lost their lives in the Scotia Mine accident in 1976, in Letcher County, KY. Reprinted with permission from E. B. Allen.
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Coal Miner's Daughter
Poem written by 13-year old Kaitlyn Eversole following the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster of 2010.
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Coal Miner's Wife
Poem written by Elisabeth James following the Sago Mine disaster of 2006.
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Mine Rescue Wives
Poem written by Elisabeth James following the Sago Mine disaster of 2006.
Mining Poetry by Del "Abe" Jones
Here's a few poems submitted to the USMRA by Del "Abe" Jones.
Poetry by Charles F. Thomas, Jr.
The following were written by Del Jones' grandfather, Charles F. Thomas, Jr., who owned a coal mine in Colorado and supervised tunnel work on the Aqueduct and Hoover and Coulee dams.