2011 North Central Regional Technician Team Exam (11-20)
In order to get 100%, you must answer all of the following correctly.
11. A regulator is an adjustable door or opening in a stopping used to control and adjust the quantity of airflow.

12. In the context of a mine rescue contest, how is "caved tight" different from "caved?"

13. In the context of a mine rescue contest, how is "team line" different from "life line?"

14. A medium velocity vane type anemometer is used to measure ventilation through a heading that is 40 feet wide by 30 feet high.  The anemometer reading is 105 feet, and the reading was taken over a period of 1 minute and 30 seconds.  What is the airflow through the heading?

15. In the context of a mine rescue operation, a backup team refers to a fully equipped mine rescue team that is ready for deployment, but is held in reserve on surface in case the team that is underground requires immediate assistance.

16. In the context of first aid rendered by a first responder team, is checking for a medic alert bracelet or necklace part of a primary assessment, secondary assessment, or neither?

17. For the technician team event at a MNM mine rescue contest, the team is required to conduct a stretcher weight-bearing test.

18. For the technician team event at a MNM mine rescue contest, what are the high and low alarm set points that are specified for the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) sensor in a multi-gas meter?

19. The smoke-producing chemical agent in a Drager smoke tube is:

20. Upon entering an underground mine, a faint odor of rotten eggs is detected.  What gas would be expected, where would it be expected to collect, and why is it important to measure?

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