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Category: Anger Management
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27 slides
Workplace Violence Prevention
Workplace violence is any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting.

18 slides
Workplace Violence & Prevention
An overview of policy, identification of risks and preventative tasks from Alcoa Global Business Services.

10 slides
Don't Get Angry
Stress management tips and techniques.  Illustrates things we all can do to relieve stress.

27 slides
Violence in the Workplace Training for Employees
Nearly 1 million people become victims of violent crime while working or on duty each year.  Workplace violence accounts for 16 percent of the more than 6.5 million acts of violence experienced by individuals over the age of 12.

42 slides
Violence in the Workplace for Supervisors
Workplace homicides are the second leading cause of fatalities in the workplace.  An estimated 1 million workers—18,000 per week—are victims of nonfatal workplace assaults each year.

57 slides
Dealing With Uncertainty
Discusses ways to manage stress, change and anger.

7 slides
Anger can be a positive emotional force IF expressed constructively.

22 slides
The Stress Emotions: Anger and Fear
There are two emotions specifically associated with the stress response: anger and fear.  Anger produces the urge to fight.  Fear promotes the urge to run and hide.

32 slides
Enhancing Communication Skills
Improving communications can give us mastery over anger issues.

206 slides
A Comprehensive Treatment Program for Anger Disorders
Lengthy presentation from Dr. Raymond DiGiuseppe about treatment for anger disorders.

39 slides
Anger Management
Anger management does not involve getting rid of all anger, but using anger to enhance your life.  We can look at the purposes of anger in both a positive and negative light.

22 slides
Anger Management: How Do I Do It
Know the difference between anger and aggression.

29 slides
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
While every work site and situation is unique, there are general prevention and preparedness guidelines that can be customized to any environment.

43 slides
Violence in the Workplace
In 2009, about 572,000 workers were injured as a result of workplace violence.  521 were the victims of homicide.

36 slides
Workplace Violence
Workplace violence is an action that may threaten the safety of an employee, impact the employee’s physical and/or psychological well-being or cause damage to company property.

47 slides
Workplace Violence Prevention
Workplace violence is any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting.  A workplace may be any location either permanent or temporary where an employee performs any work-related duty.

36 slides
ABCs for Preventing Workplace Violence
Five warning signs of escalating behavior: confusion, frustration, blame, anger, and hostility.
Anger Management Videos
Browse our collection of Anger Management videos.

24 slides
Anger comes in a range of strengths, from mild irritation, to frustration, all the way to fury and rage.

19 slides
Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients
Myths about anger:
  • Anger is inherited
  • Anger automatically leads to aggression
  • You must be aggressive to get what you want
  • Venting anger is always desirable

22 slides
Work Place Violence: Preparing for the Unthinkable
NIOSH says Workplace violence is violent acts (including physical assaults and threats of assaults) directed toward persons at work or on duty.

16 slides
Stress and Stress Management
“Reality is the leading cause of stress among those in touch with it.” ~ Lily Tomlin

20 slides
Anger Management
You have learned how to show your anger over time.  You can learn other healthier ways to express anger.

17 slides
Anger and Conflict Management
Be aware of your body language.  Body language can send messages to others you are not aware of, can betray your feelings.

32 slides
Aggression in the Workplace
Agression in the workplace is any incident in which employees and other people are abused, threatened or assaulted at work.

60 slides
Managing Conflict
Conflict can be resolved so that both parties feel they have “won” and without the need for someone to “lose.”

10 slides
Workplace Violence
Violent acts, including physical assaults and threats of assault, directed toward persons at work or on duty.  The spectrum of workplace violence ranges from offensive language to homicide.

22 slides
Anger Management: How Do I Do It
Know the difference between anger and aggression.

29 slides
Creating a Safe & Caring Work Environment
While every work site and situation is unique, there are general prevention and preparedness guidelines that can be customized to any environment.

43 slides
Violence in the Workplace
In 2009, about 572,000 workers were injured as a result of workplace violence.  521 were the victims of homicide.

10 slides
Workplace Violence
Violent acts, including physical assaults and threats of assault, directed toward persons at work or on duty.  The spectrum of workplace violence ranges from offensive language to homicide.

8 slides
Stress and Stress Management
This presentation talks about all of that which can produce stress.

98 slides
Stress Management
Stress is the reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them.  It arises when they worry that they can’t cope.

16 slides
Harassment and violence in the workplace
Teaches how to cope with harassment and violence in the workplace.

18 slides
Stress Management
Harmful stress can cause headaches, backaches, loss of appetite, fatigue, digestive problems, depression, difficulty focusing thoughts and impaired memory.

Want More Anger Management PowerPoints?
Use this Google Search Link External Link to find practically everything the web has to offer on Anger Management in PowerPoint format.

Want More Workplace Violence PowerPoints?
Use this Google Search Link External Link to find practically everything the web has to offer on Workplace Violence in PowerPoint format.


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