united states mine rescue association
Mine Safety Training
PowerPoint Presentations

How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint
This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint.  For more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
Category: Accident Prevention
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15 slides
Life Saving Rules
A Suncor Energy presentation which identifies 10 “life saving rules.”  These rules have been put in place to ensure basic behaviors are followed to prevent the kind of incidents that could result in a serious injury or a fatality on their sites.
Blood Quarry Animated Collection
The Simpsons learn valuable lesssons while engaged in these common scenarios found at surface mines.
Rules To Live By Animations
Animation, graphics and some popular cartoon celebs have been added to the original presentation to make it more interesting for your audience.

47 slides
Rules to Live By
Presentation to accompany and explain MSHA's new safety initiative.

60 slides
Rules to Live By: Conditions for Focused Enforcement
"Rules to Live By," are aimed at improving safety and health and preventing fatalities and serious accidents in America’s mines.

17 slides
Rules to Live By - Surface Coal
Presentation to complement MSHA's new safety initiative for surface coal mines.

11 slides
Rules to Live By III
Between 2001-2010 there were 609 fatalities in coal and metal/non–metal mines.

17 slides
Rules to Live By III - Coal Priority Standards
Presentation to complement MSHA's new safety initiative for coal mines.

Hand Injury Prevention: Best Practices in Body Positioning
Sometimes when we loose sight of our hands, we loose sight of what the dangers are.  If you have to put your hands in a machine, an opening or some place where you loose sight of your hands, your only way of knowing what you’re doing is by feel.

Hand Injury Prevention: Hand and Body Positioning
Hand positioning is one of the most important things we should train on.

20 slides
Using Modified and Transitional Duties to Bolster Your Return-to-Work Program
Light, modified and transitional duty (TD) positions can save money in management of worker’s comp claims … when properly structured.  Improperly designed TD positions can expose claimants to additional hazards and increase claims and litigation.

15 slides
2008 Safety Targets
Presentation delivered at the TRAM conference in 2008.

1 slide
Ask Yourself Before Starting Job
Some basic questions are posed about your job preparation.

9 slides
Seven Causes of Accidents
Accidents occur for many reasons.  In most industries people tend to look for "things" to blame when an accident happens, because it's easier than looking for "causes," such as those listed here.

How Do Hand Injuries Happen?
Discusses the primary causes of hand injuries and ways to avoid them.

22 slides
Your hands are one of your greatest assets.  And, as such, must be protected and cared for.

6 slides
Whose Fault Is It?
Are they really accidents?  Were they preventable?  Are the accidents we have preventable?  Are we always aware of the hazards that are around us?

23 slides
Accident Prevention and Theories of Accident Causation
Accident causation theories are used as models to help predict and prevent accidents.

104 slides
Hand Injuries
This presentation contains intense accident photos.  Illustrates the gruesome aftermath of hand injuries.

27 slides
Pinch Points
Discusses the sources of pinch points and procedures to follow dealing with them.

81 slides
Unsafe Practices
Here's a collection of photos showing the many ways people take risks everyday.

10 slides
Flying Hook Accident Re-Creation
This is a re-creation of a non-fatal accident that occurred when the hook came loose and flew a short distance, striking the person in the head.

21 slides
Ingenious Approaches to Problem Solving
Photo display of wrong decisions that are made every day.  Complacency is often no accident.  It’s often planned for.

7 slides
Rock Dusting in Coal Mines
Rockdusting prevents the initiation of or propagation of a coal dust explosion.

72 slides
TRAP - Take Responsibility for Accident Prevention
The TRAP program is an employee-driven program of identifying, evaluating, and eliminating hazards in the workplace.  It’s a program that involves both the miner and the manager.

27 slides
Soft Tissue Injury Prevention
Soft tissue injuries are injuries that affect your muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints and spinal discs.  This is the most prevalent type of injury in the construction industry!  Although not fatal, these types of injuries can be disabling preventing an individual from leading a normal lifestyle and in some cases living with constant pain.

8 slides
Workplace Dangers
Humorous safety parody asking you to spot the dangers presented in photos.
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