General Rules

It's Tic-Tac-Toe, so you probably don't need much more explanation.

Questions are displayed by clicking on the small "X" or "O" at the bottom of each image.  Watch for the cursor ARROW to change to a HAND.

"Xs" and "Os" are awarded by correctly answering the question.  Wrong answers will return that team to the original graphic leaving that square available for both teams.

There is no need to use the "Back" button during the game.

You will alternate between the 2 teams as the game progresses.

One of the nice features of this game is that there are additional questions for each square for both teams in the event either team answers the first question incorrectly.

You may want to establish a time limit.  Your individual experience with the game will determine this.  The winner is the team that gets 3 in a row, either up and down, side to side, or diagonally, or scores more squares than the opposition.

Go to "Questions and Answers"